
Theology and digital culture

This program helps understand the main features of digital technologies and transform traditional forms of ministry in light of the technical opportunities and risks of the digital age.


Courses for the certificate and diploma:
1. Introduction to the Program
2. Hermeneutics
3. The Role of Communication in Old Testament Theology
4. The Role of Communication in New Testament Theology
5. Ministry in Digital Culture

Courses for the master’s degree and diploma:
6. Christian Ethics, Artificial Intelligence, and Modern Biotechnology
7. Research Methods
8. Digital Culture
9. Christian Counseling in the Digital Age
10. Christian Education in the Digital Age
11. Integration Course


Крейг Бломберг, PhD

Брайян Відбін, PhD

Стівен Вільямс, PhD

Пітер Філіпс, PhD

Сергій Тимченко, PhD

Андрій Мелешко, MA

Іван Білодід, MA

Олена Дрощенко, MA

Анастасія Сальникова, PhD


Lectures occur predominantly online on Saturdays (sometimes Friday evenings) and are recorded for later viewing.
All lectures are either in Russian or have a Russian translation.
Papers must be written in one of three languages: Ukrainian, English, or Russian.
The course begins March 4, 2022.

Запис на навчання


For educational questions:
contact Andriy Meleshko +38 063 625 06 57

For organizational questions
contact Nataliya Yuschenko +38 068 197 37 54

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